Monday, July 27, 2009

Openbravo - Screenshots

Getting Started
Logging In

Users can log in to Openbravo ERP from any web browser worldwide with only a username and password.
Changing User Roles

Users managing multiple clients, organizations, or roles can change their personal settings once inside the application.
General Usability
Application Menu

The menu is designed to intuitively follow a typical computer folder structure. Users can also change the order of the menu with a few simple clicks.
Coordinating Information

This mode lets users see all related records quickly, with the ability to sort data using one or many filters. Exporting the grid to PDF, Excel ,or CSV is also available.
Editing Mode

This mode lets users create, edit, or view information related to a specific record. Using the blue links, users navigate to different application windows with one click in order to view or edit related data.
Searching for Information

This search filter lets users look through thousands of records to quickly find the data they are looking for.
Help Menu

The help menu is organized as a search index. Clicking on a link, users see a description of the term they would like defined.

Following a workflow, users complete multistep or complex processes following a predefined and clickable path.
Various exporting possibilities

Records may be exported and saved to Excel, CSV and PDF formats.
Business Partner Card

This window gives users a snapshot of each employee, customer, or vendor by quickly showing important information such as their purchase history, sales patterns, or just the basic contact information.
Linked Items

The linked items icon opens a window allowing users to see all records somehow related to the current record being viewed.
Online Reports

Reports and documents based in JasperReports or standard HTML may be viewed online.
PDF Reports

Reports and documents based in JasperReports or standard HTML may be viewed and saved in PDF format.

Source :

1 comment:

  1. This is really very informative post regarding Openbravo. You described everything in very simple & easy language with screen shots. Many thanks to you!
